Nova gen chicken

Sep 9, 2024
So we got 6 fertile eggs from another local chicken owner. We put them under our broody silkie. 1 broke and now we are down to 5 unfortunately another chicken wanted to lay an egg in her spot. So I actually never heard of nova gen chickens and I looked it up are they always a RIR mixed with leghorn? And they are good layers? And can people put pictures of your nova gens on here for me? Bonus if you put a nova gen mixed with silkie. The guy we got them from has three roosters so three different potential fathers. A nova gen roo a silkie roo and a rir roo.
So we got 6 fertile eggs from another local chicken owner. We put them under our broody silkie. 1 broke and now we are down to 5 unfortunately another chicken wanted to lay an egg in her spot. So I actually never heard of nova gen chickens and I looked it up are they always a RIR mixed with leghorn? And they are good layers? And can people put pictures of your nova gens on here for me? Bonus if you put a nova gen mixed with silkie. The guy we got them from has three roosters so three different potential fathers. A nova gen roo a silkie roo and a rir roo.
Sounds like you have Novogen.

They are Red Sex Links. Depending on the source, looks like they are a Red Sex Link. For example Freedom Hatchery's Novogen chickens were developed in France from a cross of Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White. Of course there's more to it than that, but that's the basics.

Could be other hatcheries/breeders use Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns, hard to know.

Your Sex Link mixed with a Silkie will be a Backyard Mix.

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