NOW is the time - 6 hens 7 eggs

Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
15 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
Next December I will expect to have 2-3 eggs per day. You should expect about 1/2 the summer production, unless you have just high producing hens, and even they will cut back. And for the most part, I have young hens. For those of you with older girls, you can expect considerably less than that. Now is the time to put some eggs away for the dark days of winter.

If you have fridge space, you of course can keep them there. You can freeze eggs - scramble 12 raw eggs well, add either 1 tsp of sugar, or 1 tsp of salt. (Use sugar eggs for baking). You can either just fill freezer bags with the eggs and freeze flat (will thaw faster) or fill a dozen muffin tins, freeze that, then bag them up. I like these for baking when it calls for 2 eggs, I just pull 2 muffins out.

There is a way to use pickling limb too, but I have not tried that. I might try a 1/2 gallon jar this year. Everything I have read so far, is a weight measurement - more accurate I know, but I don't have a scale, what is the volume measurement?

Mrs K
Excellent reminder! I need to try freezing some eggs, I like the muffic tin idea.

I've never done the lime method, so far we always have had enough even through winter because I always get tripped up by chicken math 🤣

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