Heyo! Just wanted to show off the flock that's outside, minus Latias who is recovering from autoamputation of a metatarsus and three toes indoors, now that the weather warmed up enough I could deep clean the coop and fix their nesting boxes slightly. Still need a few repairs, and my husband is going to add their Roosting Shelf back tomorrow, but!
Introducing my feathery raptors from the pic!
Rhode Island Red hen: Missy
Rhode Island Red Rooster: Roo
Leghorn hen: Ms. Snowball Jr. (or Ms. Snow)
Leghorn rooster: Mr. Snowflake (or Mr. Snow)
Silver-laced Wyandotte hen: Selena
Gold-laced Wyandotte hen: Harley
Gold-laced Blue Wyandotte hen: Ivy
Easter Egger hen: Artemis (Artie, Artemis Fowl, Artie Party)
Buff Orpington hen: Buffy
Barred Plymouth Rock hens: Smokey Quartz and Anya
Sexlink hen: Blink
Black Austrolorp hen: Ms. Obsidian Jr.
Farmyard Mix (RIR Rooster × Buff Orpington hen): Gwen
Introducing my feathery raptors from the pic!
Rhode Island Red hen: Missy
Rhode Island Red Rooster: Roo
Leghorn hen: Ms. Snowball Jr. (or Ms. Snow)
Leghorn rooster: Mr. Snowflake (or Mr. Snow)
Silver-laced Wyandotte hen: Selena
Gold-laced Wyandotte hen: Harley
Gold-laced Blue Wyandotte hen: Ivy
Easter Egger hen: Artemis (Artie, Artemis Fowl, Artie Party)
Buff Orpington hen: Buffy
Barred Plymouth Rock hens: Smokey Quartz and Anya
Sexlink hen: Blink
Black Austrolorp hen: Ms. Obsidian Jr.
Farmyard Mix (RIR Rooster × Buff Orpington hen): Gwen