This is Storm. She is between 9-11 weeks, an easter egger. I just thought she had unusual eyes, perhaps a genetic trait. Aside from a bit of diarrhea (which cleared up after treating with Corid), she seems healthy and vibrant. Her eyesight seems good. She still occasionally sheds some intestinal lining in her poo, but even that has become less prominent. She has no other obvious health problems.
She was one of three pullets we got a couple of weeks ago from a breeder who had positive reviews from other buyers, with the hopes of integrating with our existing 15-16 week old hens. Because of my ignorance (we only got our first babies this spring, and have been learning as we go), the rest of our young healthy flock has been thoroughly exposed; they are all free-ranging in our large backyard. I thought Storm was healthy too until I stumbled onto something about blue/gray-eyed hens having Ocular Marek's. Is there any hope it could be anything else? I'm so devastated. I checked with the breeder of our existing flock of buff orpingtons, and they were not vaccinated for Marek's and thus are totally vulnerable.
I've read a lot of the existing long thread on Marek's since learning of it. I guess I just wanted opinions on Storm. Is there any reason left to hope for the survival of these birds I have grown to love?