Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - Share your funniest/favourite chicken story



Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011


We all have a memorable tale or two from our experiences in chicken keeping and we'd like to hear yours! Tell us your funniest or favourite chicken story for a chance to win 1 of 5 (that's right, FIVE) 2019 BYC Calendars!

The rules are simple:

* All entries must be submitted as a reply to this thread
* Only 1 story per member will be accepted


The top 5 (that's right, FIVE) winning members will be awarded a beautiful 2019 BYC Chicken Calendar!

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We will be accepting entries until Friday the 30th of November

If you would like a calendar, without entering the contest, please see how to purchase one HERE
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Stupid rooster

The chickens were out foraging and one young rooster was at least 100' away from the rest of the flock. I heard him clucking and cooing and saw him doing his dance near the bottom of a Rocky Mountain juniper. From the distance I could see a dark form on the other side of the tree trunk. I assumed that he was trying to sweet talk one of the young hens but was I wrong. When I got closer to the rooster, I could see that the item of his affections was a big black tomcat that was actually stalking him.

Of course the cat took off in one direction as the rooster went the other way. I thought later if the rooster was too dumb to tell the difference between a cat and a hen that I should have just let the cat get him. Hopefully he learned not to try to romance any more cats.
View attachment 1577795 Viper
Despite the name it ISN'T about a snake! I have a RIR who is bloody red and we named her that. She has many pictures of her, but none with her beak.

Okay the story now:
So I'm outside one morning it's about one flashlight beam to all darkness and I have to let the chickens out. She runs out of the coop and sits in a tree. I don't think anything of it. I stepped back and let the other chickens out. I walk to her tree and see what I thought was a snake. I grabbed a baseball bat and ran to the tree. I started smacking at it with the bat. I hear bawk, Bawk, BAWK! She flys out of the tree into my hair dragging a large wad of straw that got wrapped around her foot. She jumps to the ground and starts running, believing she is being chased by a snake. I spent about 20 minutes catching, unwrapping, and calming her down. She hadn't officially earned her name till that day!
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It all started when We got our first 4 pullets, 2 white, 2 black. The black were calm [ish] and docile, the whites were maniacs. One day, they escaped their pen and our dog started chasing them. [he is so old now that he physically can't. He's 17] Well! This had never happened before. They both ran in different directions and the one he chased jammed herself behind the garbage bin where she was rescued. The other one had vanished. We searched for a while and when we were about to give up and consul ourselves to the fact that she was gone, little sleepy baby cheeps came from under a massive pumpkin vine leaf in our garden bed. There she was, fast asleep! They no longer have a pen and free-range, but we are looking into building a new one soon. As they are a menace to society. [we now have 8]. Also, this isn't really a story, but we had a spell when they went without chicken mash for a few days until we could get to the shops. They had bread and stuff. But they abandoned us, preferring to wander the streets and be captured [by us] every night. Digging up the neighbors garden beds, risking being hit by cars to cross the road, jumping the fence into the neighbors yard. [they have a boxer and a cattle dog! [that was a close call!]. As I said, menaces to society.
The story of Mr. Smarty Quail.

The first quail I hatched, I bought some eggs from eBay, put them in a bator(that was for bacteria but it was sterile(it was cheaper than a normal incubator lol)), and only 1 pipped out of 20. Reading online saying you cannot help a hatching chick, I waited a day, but it sill hasn't hatched. I waited 12 more hours, before helping it out. It survived. Now the food I bought still hadn't arrived, so I fed it some cooked soybean. 3 days later from hatching, it got SICK. Like highly sick. Panting around, pooping diareah, and not even walking, and literally burning up, I thought it was gonna die. I put the small chick into the bator, added some humidity to try to flush the virus out, and went on all the internet to learn what to do. Then, an hour later, I felt the chick, and no fever!! It had survived!!1! Most people would have culled, but I didn't since only 1 hatched. I raised it up, when he was 3 weeks old, he HATED me, even though he was bonded to me. I tamed him again with insects, then at 5 weeks, i heard a "caw-caw-caaaaw!" It was a rooster. I put him in his freshly built outdoor cage, and moved him outside for 1 day, seeing how he would do. He chirped his head off. He was really attached to me. So, I moved the cage indoors, and let him out to run around in my cement floored basement. He was really fascinated with this pool noodle I had lying around, pecking it and rolling it. Then I noticed something. He always started pecking the pool noodle with 1 peck, then 2 pecks, then 3. He then pecked it 2 times at a time, both times toward him. He could kinda "count." For another 3 weeks, same old, same old. Then when I gave him a treat, he would give it to an imaginary quail that he would call for with a "buk-buk-buk" and try to call the imaginary quail over. This continued for 2 weeks before I was worried about his mental health(strange but true.(a 9 week old shouldn't have imaginary friends :)). I got him some hens. Then all was well, until I put him inside the cage and forgot to put the hens inside the cage after I let them all out in my basement, and latched the door.(It was just a hook connected to metal mesh.) Next morning, the door was open! He pecked open a simple lock! Oh and he also learned that whenever I clapped my hands, that he should come over, because I do that when I have a treat, and whenever I get too close, he makes a low pitched sound and then if I don't retreat, pecks me 5 times or more. Didn't count that one.

See, this proves that quail are smart.

He's now 2 years old, and his birhday was on June 6th.

Sounds far fetched, but this is all real. My hypothesis for his intellegince? Human contact, and no other quail to distract his growing brain. The
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I have four chickens. A few months ago, I gave them a tomato in their run. They were all fighting over it. The one that is lowest in the pecking order, a buff orp, squeezed her head between one of the other's legs and grabbed the tomato. She ran to the corner of the run, dropped the tomato, turned around, and sat on it. The other chickens ran all around trying to find it, then gave up. She got up, and ate her prize. :gig
I have four chickens. A few months ago, I gave them a tomato in their run. They were all fighting over it. The one that is lowest in the pecking order, a buff orp, squeezed her head between one of the other's legs and grabbed the tomato. She ran to the corner of the run, dropped the tomato, turned around, and sat on it. The other chickens ran all around trying to find it, then gave up. She got up, and ate her prize. :gig
smart girl!

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