OK to follow vertical incu with horiz hatcher??

HooDoo Hatchery

In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2024
HooDoo Mountain, North Idaho
So far, I've not seen a post on this . .
I have several vertical tray rocking incus, and I move the eggs to a horizontal hatcher. I'm wondering if the biddie has been prepping for vertical pipping by now? To complicate things, my birds start hatching the day after I place them in the hatcher - that is, some start coming out on day #19!
Should I lay them down a day earlier??
I typically set eggs in incus on Fridays & lay them onto hatcher on Tuesdays. They start popping on Weds!! Please check my math while you ponder my question!!
I would definitely change your days as to me, that's running a risk of moving them while one or more could be pipping. Lockdown is advised to be three days prior to hatch day. I do it four days as too have had a few start hatching on Day 19.

As far as using vertical and switching to laying horizontal, I've done that many times. I incubate them in the Brinsea, then move them to the NR360 four days prior to hatch (provided that NR360 has room.)

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