Old english bantam size


Nov 5, 2022
South Louisiana
Ok I have a 2 year old old english bantam hen that weighs about a pound. I have a six month old that is half her size,healthy. She is active. I lost the other 3 that I got with her, I got Mille flour d'uccles and Egyptian fayoumis at the same time and they were obviously trampled between 2-3 weeks...when they would pile up at night ( plenty of room,three different heat sources with cool and cold areas) she was the smallest and lone survivor )

Anyway,she has strong survival skills..she sleeps in my dog/cat room outside during the day ( interestingly Cicely found the cat door at this age and slept in same place for about 7-8 months then started sleeping with flock again)

Anyway,how abnormal is the size

the second photos is a picture of her and an Egyptian fayoumi that has to be treated for a wound and have zinc oxide applied to her head.the fayoumis aren't big by any means same hatch day..I can get more pictures later,they are now with the flock and fayoumi can't be caught until she roost and herald esme are bonded


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Old English Bantams run between 1 lb or 2. If this one is half a lb and done growing, it must be a runt. Nothing wrong with that, as they are cute. I have a runt silkie.

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