Old hen having trouble moving


Premium Feather Member
Jun 6, 2024
Southeastern US
My Coop
My Coop
My hen Spot ( named by my 8 year old self ) is struggling a little. I could tell she had been slowing down, but I had a sudden urge ,at 11:45 PM, to check on the chickens. She was huddled in the corner instead of on the perches. I have filled out this template with her information:

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter
or thinner than the others.)
Easter Egger, almost 10 years old, I’ll try to weigh her tomorrow
2) What is the behavior, exactly.
Appears rather weak, but still alert
3) How long has the bird been
exhibiting symptoms?
A few months but worsened tonight
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
She was and is being offered layer crumble and water
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
No poop yet
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
I brought her inside, since it will be 22 degrees Fahrenheit tonight. She is in a 40 gallon tub.
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
Vet is not an option. I just want to know how to help her or make her comfortable.
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
I’ll post her set-up below
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
Pine shavings, but she had hay in the coop.


(The hamster cage has my button quail in it, for the night. I will not put them in the same cage.)

I also had recently followed this thread with a similar situation:
If anyone can confirm any of the information given there, that would be great!
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I think you've done a splendid job being a chicken momma to her as she's already beyond the age most Easter Egger chickens live (5-8) years. I've heard of a couple who lived as many as 15 years, but that's very rare.

She probably isn't perching because it's too high for her now. You could try making her a lower perch.

She's probably going to need to be kept in warmer places like you're doing and fed things gentler on her digestion.

You could try giving her some vitamin water, like Poultry Cell, every couple of days to help her organs and muscles that might be struggling.

For treats, making her a mash out of her crumbles or chick crumbles she'd like, and also some scrambled eggs would be easy to digest.
Ok, so I guess I need to
A. Install a new perch (I needed to anyway) .
B. Get a heat lamp and extension cord out to the coop.
C. Make her some scrambled eggs for breakfast:
D. Get her some electrolytes and vitamins.
I'm sure you know the dangers possible with heat lamps and you'd make sure it's safe; however, if you can ever get a radiant heater like Cozy Coop has, those are on sale sometimes, but otherwise are around $50.

We have a few of those for our growout pen/coops for the younger ones. They can lay next to it or near it if they get chilled, and it won't burn them. It shuts off if somehow it gets tipped over.

Otherwise, it sounds like a great plan to help her through her elder months/years. ❤️
Ok, so I guess I need to
A. Install a new perch (I needed to anyway) .
B. Get a heat lamp and extension cord out to the coop.
C. Make her some scrambled eggs for breakfast:
D. Get her some electrolytes and vitamins.
I would not even install a perch as she apparently has trouble getting up and sitting on it.

It might be more comfortable and easier for her to sit on some kind of board which will help to keep her butt clean.

My guess is that she is now nearing the end of her exceptionally long life, and keeping her warm and comfortable while offering favourite snacks is all you can do for her.
Update: she laid an egg and pooped a lot. She also escaped from her bin. Could she have been egg-bound? I’m going to try to clean out the coop and put her back in it.


(Her egg, and yes they always have that extra calcification)


(Some of her poop, there’s more)
Well I’ve got her set up in the coop. Upon further inspection it appears she has a cataract on one eye. She is moving her head at an odd angle. I bet it’s because she can’t see out of that eye.

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