OLD incubator


Jun 27, 2021
I was gifted an old incubator. It looks like it is in extremely good shape, aside from its age. The turners are clean. The bottom & top are styrofoam aside from the plastic cover. I think it’s a still air, as I don’t see a fan inside. I turned it on and you adjust the temp with a little knob, not by entering a temp. Lol. It is running about 2 degrees lower than the temp on the display. What do you guys think? What temp do I use for a still air? Is it worth trying?

Hopefully someone can confirm but I think I've heard to run a still incubator as high as 202F.
I decided to google…I hope someone chimes in if this is incorrect…100.5-101.5? Does that sound right?
I'd try it out first with some eggs that aren't rare or expensive. It's worth a shot and may prove to make a good hatcher.
That’s what I am thinking. I am hesitantly hopeful that this will be like an old fridge…runs better than the modern ones but can’t find them anymore!
I decided to google…I hope someone chimes in if this is incorrect…100.5-101.5? Does that sound right?

That’s what I am thinking. I am hesitantly hopeful that this will be like an old fridge…runs better than the modern ones but can’t find them anymore!
100.5 is what I have read on still air. I would set it at that and then put a thermometer in liquid at egg level and let that sit so you can see what you want it at for your egg temp to be ~99.5.

I’m guessing it has a wafer thermostat if you adjust it by turning. I have wafers in my cabinet and they seem reliable enough but I know they can fail. Mine has a back up that’s set a bit higher in case one goes out. It may be a good idea to get a cheap plug in thermostat to use as a back up cut off in case it spikes too high. It doesn’t have to be super precise for back up because it’s not regulating the temperature.
Also the wafers are kind of like light bulbs & the disks can be replaced so if you try it out and it’s not holding temp you can get new disks to screw in there.
Thank goodness all that talk about wafers & backups was making me nervous.

Any advice on a Farm Innovators? An acquaintance was gifted it but didn’t want it, and knew my family has been hatching. Which was super nice.
Honestly I can't stand those electronic thermostat models. They have never maintained temps for me and I've had them spike temps and ruin whole batches often enough that I won't even use them.
I love the old wafer models.

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