Older hen with runny/ clear poop


May 12, 2020
I have a 4 year old Easter Egger who has had runny poop off and on for a couple of years. It comes and goes. Since the
first of this year she has had persistent runny/ clear watery poop. I have not observed any worms or other parasites in her
poop. Late last month I gave all of the older hens some Bragg's apple cider vinegar at the rate of 1 tsp/gal of water for a
week in their drinking water. I am reluctant to use the other meds as I don't understand the dosing and you can't eat the
eggs for a while.

After the apple cider vinegar I gave them all probiotics (Sav-A-chick) for a week. I had this chicken in the house for the
week, and her poop returned to normal. Nice and firm. I then returned her to the coop. With in a week her poop was runny
like before. This chicken hasn't laid eggs for almost a year. Also, she gets picked on by two of the other hens, and I don't
know if that would stress her out and contribute to the problem in some way. I don't know.

Anyway, if someone has had a similar experience and can recommend a different treatment I would appreciate hearing your

Please post photos of your hen and her poop.

This has been going on for a couple of years, so likely it's just the way she processes food.

If she's getting a messy bum, then periodically give her a clean up.

Getting a fecal float to see if worms are part of the problem would be a good idea. Rarely are worms seen in poop with the naked eye.
Please post photos of your hen and her poop.

This has been going on for a couple of years, so likely it's just the way she processes food.

If she's getting a messy bum, then periodically give her a clean up.

Getting a fecal float to see if worms are part of the problem would be a good idea. Rarely are worms seen in poop with the naked eye.

I brought her in the last night. I gave her some of the Sav-A-chick
electrolyte water to drink. She drank it continuously, and her poop
was watery. I eventually removed it. She also has liquid coming
out of her mouth too. She eats the Flock Raiser food I give her. Her
poop is still watery, but has some solids in it.

Where do I get a fecal float test done?

I brought her in the last night. I gave her some of the Sav-A-chick
electrolyte water to drink. She drank it continuously, and her poop
was watery. I eventually removed it. She also has liquid coming
out of her mouth too. She eats the Flock Raiser food I give her. Her
poop is still watery, but has some solids in it.

Where do I get a fecal float test done?
The vet, or if you have a microscope, you can do it yourself.

I brought her in the last night. I gave her some of the Sav-A-chick
electrolyte water to drink. She drank it continuously, and her poop
was watery. I eventually removed it. She also has liquid coming
out of her mouth too. She eats the Flock Raiser food I give her. Her
poop is still watery, but has some solids in it.

Where do I get a fecal float test done?
Check her crop to see that it's emptying, if it's not, address that symptom according to the article below:
Same issue with the watery splats with just a little brown residue. Did you find out the problem?
1/3 of the 3 with this is drinking a lot. She’s 4yrs old and the other 2 are 1-2 yrs old.

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