Ole blue


7 Years
Dec 8, 2013
slidell, tx
This is Blue! He is slightly over a year old and he found a home at my place. The problem I have is he is a crossbreed. I have been trying to figure him out. The lady who needed 2 roosters trade two young pullets to my friend for a brown leghorn and an andalusion rooster. One pullet was an easter egger and she thought this was an easter egger x andalusion but she also thought they were pullets. When they began crowing i laughed myself right into this guy. Oh heck has was free and i never had a rooster before so why not.

At first he ran from my old hens and was small but mother nature helped him along. Soon he was half again as tall as they were and began doing the strut dance and sneaking up on them. He is very noisy starting about 4 am and only crows till dark. He generally leads the way out of the gate and to feeding areas. And comes running if he thinks he might get a treat. After the last coyote attack I couldn't find a few of my girls but noticed him going from bush to bush, under the deck or any other hiding place clucking. He had gathered three of his girls that way. I figured he was better at finding them than i was so i just patrolled around with a rifle. Shortly before dark he was spotted with all five survivors huddled around him making their way to the coop.

I cant expect him to ward off coyotes but the tomcat that adopted my wife started running and jumping in the middle of the flock scattering them, then walk away. Blue finally got tired of his game and went after him.

He has been a fun addition to my place but i sure would like to know what he is. I dont even know what type of comb that is. Any ideas?


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No idea on the comb, but I think she's right about the EExAndalusian. That looks very much like the one guy at the auction's young blue EE x Brown Leghorn roosters. (Well, that's what he said that they were. He was trying to [very cheaply] get blue eggs, I think.)

Your chicken probably won't lay blue eggs, though. Just a guess.

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