Olive Egger Genetics Question

I’ve never bred my roosters with their offspring. Does that cause any issue because they are technically inbred?
I had a friend who lived way out in the country surrounded by a million miles of coyote territory. His original barn cats inbred over many generations to the point that the later cats were seriously deformed; 7 toes on each foot, crinkly ears, bent or abbreviated tails, etc. He named them after British royalty and it wasn't uncommon to hear him say stuff like "Archduke Rupert! Stop mounting your auntie granddaughter Queen Victoria! You have enough nephsons!"

With chickens, the inbreeding problems are reported to be insignificant, mostly resulting in lower hatch rates long before any physical deformities begin to be manifested.

Watch this video for the full explanation:
I had a friend who lived way out in the country surrounded by a million miles of coyote territory. His original barn cats inbred over many generations to the point that the later cats were seriously deformed; 7 toes on each foot, crinkly ears, bent or abbreviated tails, etc. He named them after British royalty and it wasn't uncommon to hear him say stuff like "Archduke Rupert! Stop mounting your auntie granddaughter Queen Victoria! You have enough nephsons!"

With chickens, the inbreeding problems are reported to be insignificant, mostly resulting in lower hatch rates long before any physical deformities begin to be manifested.

Watch this video for the full explanation:
Thank you!
Yes, and breeding back the resulting hens to him will yield hens that lay darker green eggs.
The true olive green color turns to a Dark Drab color. True breeding Olives are quite the daunting task to make.

Could I do the same thing breeding an Americana rooster to a welbar hen?
If it's sold as an Ameracana, it's not an Ameraucana. Most chickens sold as Ameracanas are some flavor of Easter Egger. But, yes; it would work EXCEPT breeding back to an Ameraucana rooster would yield lighter and lighter eggs in the resulting progeny.
If it's sold as an Ameracana, it's not an Ameraucana. Most chickens sold as Ameracanas are some flavor of Easter Egger. But, yes; it would work EXCEPT breeding back to an Ameraucana rooster would yield lighter and lighter eggs in the resulting progeny.

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