One chicken picking one one specific chicken


Apr 8, 2020
I have a Rhode island red pinning and plucking the feathers on my prairie blue bell. That is the only one that she does it to. This has caused the prairie chicken to have a ruptured egg inside of her. The question is what do I do.
I recently had a problem like this with my own hens. I separated the aggressor from the flock for about 2-3 days. Then, when I put her back, I put pine tar on the places where the victim was being pecked. After about 3 days, the aggression stopped completely.
I dislike rhode island reds for this very reason.
They are bullies and tend to feather picking.
I would put a pair of pinless peepers on this red girl and give prairie chicken a break. The peepers cant stay on forever however.
If she is at the point of really injuring this other girl, long term you may want to concider rehoming one or the other.
Maybe someone else will offer other recomendations.
Good luck!
I'm going to have to disagree with you. I have kept Rhode Island Reds for 4 years and they have never been aggressive to my other hens. As a matter of fact, the hen that was being picked on (as I wrote about in my earlier post) was actually a Rhode Island Red and she was being bullied by an Australorp.
I agree with others to remove the bully or to use the pinless peepers. I've done both and both work. My RIR is queen of the coop but she never picks on anyone. My troublemakers have been ISA Browns and 1 particular BR. I believe it's the chicken itself, not the breed.

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