Oops, wrong father...so confused!


Premium Feather Member
Jul 24, 2022
This spring I had a terrible hatching rate, just 2/12 eggs (not a big deal since I had 11 females ordered from a hatchery, although 1 turned out to be male...another oops). When the two hatched I was so happy to see that they looked like pure bred barred rock females. At 4/5 weeks old, I was surprised to see that they had pea combs, not single combs, and their combs were much redder than the hatchery chicks. That is when I started reconsidering their gender. Clearly the poor hatch rate was because our sweet old roo, Cuckoo, is too old for breeding being at least 5 years old (he came with the house). Instead their father is my evil roo Copper who attacks my fur trimmed coat in the 6 months of winter we have in the Yukon. Copper is an EE, possibly a Brabanter/Ameraucana cross.

A week later, Comb Over started growing a comb over and a week after that Muffs started growing muffs. My friend says the birds she gets are Barred Rock (mother)/RIR(father) cross and the male offspring all look like Barred Rocks while the females all look like RIR. This made me certain that both Comb Over and Muffs are male...but, now Muffs keeps mounting my female Cornish crosses, however, I have not seen any cockerel type behaviour from Comb Over. Muffs has thicker legs than Comb Over. So I am so confused! If only Cuckoo had been the father. 😂

So I bring it to all of you experts at BYC...is Comb Over a 9 week old pullet or cockerel?

Pic 1: the evil father

Pic 2: the sweet timid aunt (with a comb over)

Pics 3-5: Muffs (definitely cockerel)

Pics 6-9: Comb Over...the bird that has me boggled
I'm not sure about your question at hand but I just had to say, I love the "Evil Father" :lau :lau :lau
look this boy square in the eyes and tell me he isn't evil. The girls avoid him like the plague. He mounts them when Cuckoo isn't looking and they scream bloody murder. Cuckoo comes running and chases Copper around the run a half dozen times as the girls scramble to get out of the way.
View attachment 3906000look this boy square in the eyes and tell me he isn't evil. The girls avoid him like the plague. He mounts them when Cuckoo isn't looking and they scream bloody murder. Cuckoo comes running and chases Copper around the run a half dozen times as the girls scramble to get out of the way.
:lau :lau:lau:lauOh no question, he's evil😂. That is hilarious!!
View attachment 3906000look this boy square in the eyes and tell me he isn't evil. The girls avoid him like the plague. He mounts them when Cuckoo isn't looking and they scream bloody murder. Cuckoo comes running and chases Copper around the run a half dozen times as the girls scramble to get out of the way.
He looks like he's the next Disney Movie Villain 😆 I love him though, he should have his own theme tune 🤣

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