Opal lavender legbar rooster x leghorn

Johnny Mertens

In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2024

What will I become if I cross a opal lavender legbar rooster with a leghorn Isabel hen or a leghorn exchequer hen?

Is there someone that have experience with this?

What will I become if I cross a opal lavender legbar rooster with a leghorn Isabel hen
I think the chicks will be very much like Opal Legbars.

--both males and females from this cross will have one barring gene (like female Legbars), not two barring genes (which make male Legbars a lighter overall color so they can be sexed easily.) These chicks will not be autosexing.
--Each chick will have one gene for crest and one for not-crest. Each chick will have one gene for blue eggshell and one gene for not-blue eggshell color. They should all have crests and females should all lay blue eggs, but if you use them for breeding you will get some chicks with the not-crest gene and some with the not-blue eggshell color gene.

What will I become if I cross a opal lavender legbar rooster with...leghorn exchequer hen?
I think you will get black chicks with white barrng, and they may have leakage of other colors as they grow.
All the chicks should have a crest, and all daughters should lay blue eggs.
The goal is to get a chicken with opal or Isabel colour that lays blue eggs.
It probably will not be autosexing but that’s not the goal.

But it will be for next year.
I already have a opal legbar rooster.
And I start hatching next week for the Isabel leghorn.
The goal is to get a chicken with opal or Isabel colour that lays blue eggs.
It probably will not be autosexing but that’s not the goal.

But it will be for next year.
I already have a opal legbar rooster.
And I start hatching next week for the Isabel leghorn.
In that case, Opal Legbar rooster and Isabel Leghorn hen should work to give chicks of a color you want, with pullets laying blue eggs.

If you want autosexing, breed the daughters back to their Opal Legbar father, and I think the autosexing will work properly. In that generation, half of chicks will have two blue egg genes, and half will have one blue egg gene. The ones with two blue egg genes will be basically the same as Opal Legbars (although some might have just one crest gene instead of two, which could give cause un-crested chicks in later generations.)

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