Our Coop Journey: Raising & Rehoming Chickens


In the Brooder
Sep 29, 2024
My wife has always wanted chickens, so about five years ago, I dove into YouTube to learn everything I could about building a coop. We live on an acre along the Huron River in Milford, Michigan, and I built a coop from scratch using around 80% recycled materials—thanks to some generous donations from the local community. It's still standing strong, and we’ve since extended the run.

We now have 16 chickens, getting a few new ones each April for my wife's birthday. Originally, the plan was to eventually invite some of them to join us at the dinner table, but after she started naming them, that idea didn’t quite pan out. Instead, we recycle our third-year chickens each fall, donating them to anyone who wants them.

What a BEAUTIFUL coop! I really like the spindles on the run and I admire you for using recycled materials as much as possible.

Also, kudos to your wife for naming all the chickens. My rule has always been that once they're named, they can't be eaten. All 29 of mine have names.🐥

Welcome to BYC to you, your wife and the entire flock!!

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