Our Little Wyandotte Flock

Scott H

7 Years
Oct 29, 2012
Twin Lakes, ID
My Coop
My Coop
Our little flock arrived via Chickenhill and the US Postal Service about 3 weeks ago. We wanted 3 and all in different colors and all hens so Tisha kept them until they were 7 weeks old. They spent the first 2 weeks in their coop getting used to home and then I cobbled a little enclosure together so they could experience the out of doors without us having to do a big chicken roundup each night to get them back in their safe coop.

This is the first time they saw their door come open. Juanita is our Silver Laced and is the smallest. She rules the roost, gets all the good treats and is the bravest by far...

Oprah is checking it out...

Finally gets a boost.....this was after about 10 minutes of neck craning.
Juanita is already down on the ground being a little pecker....

Ginger is a Partridge and is more shy than O so another boost....

Here they played in the make shift run until dark.....then we had a small roundup because they were going to sleep outside. That would be a no no in our raccoon invested area. It wasn't until the 3rd night that all traipsed up the ramp into their coop.
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Very nice birds!
After several days of them going into their coop at sunset we finally got some warm weather and we decided to let them run the yard. So about two hours before sunset we peeled a section of chicken wire back and turned them loose.



Oprah....my wife loves Oprah. The lady and the chick...

First dust bath....it's not too dusty here yet but they're trying!

Our giant poodle, Jake, had to bust up the good times....

Another resident is interested.....Gordon.....but not too interested....

After the dust bath was broken up, I looked over at Ginger just in time to see her inhale a large night crawler. No pic of that.....it's good thing Juanita didn't see or there would have been a scrapper.... Then she found a giant black beetle....

Once again she scores without Juanita noticing...

Then it's back under the coop for a siesta....free ranging is hard work.

That's all for now.....thanks for checking in.
Today was our first rain/hail storm outing.
They are looking out at me through their window while I look out at them through my window. LET US OUT!!!!

Hey, it's wet out here.

Oh well, we won't melt....

Lets get out and peck!

and peck.....

and peck.....

and peck...

a little drier pecking under this fir...

all three little peckers...

Juanita, the SL, is actually starting to get a tail!

Taking a break from pecking...

back to pecking...

when you get too wet a good head shake is all it takes...

Hey Oprah, what's that up there, a hawk?

No, just a crow...

carry on....

whatcha find to peck at...?

Jake doesn't get what's all the pecking about...

then it started to hail...


they came running for the protection of the coop....

after a long day of cold, wet pecking I thought an hour or so of heat lamp was in order.....so did they....after all, they've only been on the planet for a little over 10 weeks....

All settled in for the night...

they've been so good about going back to their coop at night, approximately 7:05 PM, I'm taking down the cobbled up ugly chicken wire pen. Good girls...

More to come later as our little peckers grow up.....
Our little flock is now approximately 6 months old now...no eggs yet but Oprah squatted for me last nite so I think she is close.

Hiding in the brush....

At the waterer....

Sharing some stir fried noodles.....

And they really like the looks of these smoked ribs....

They're getting pretty fluffy......and two of them gots their wattle and combs turning bright red.

That's all for now....

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