Painting hardware cloth - specific paint recommendations?


Apr 18, 2024
Niskayuna, NY
I’m looking to paint the hardware cloth black on the chicken run I just finished building so we can see our chickies easier from the outside… was wondering the specific paint recommendations? Planning on rolling it on — just the outside make sense? Thanks!
Almost all paints rated for outdoor work for metal, some better than others but I'd make sure it was oil-based or oil-based latex it might be called.

We sprayed one side of ours with Rust-Oleum.
Almost all paints rated for outdoor work for metal, some better than others but I'd make sure it was oil-based or oil-based latex it might be called.

We sprayed one side of ours with Rust-Oleum.
Any particular kind of rustoleum? I have decision paralysis whenever I see too many options and I was be try overwhelmed when I went to the store the other day to look for something hahah
Any particular kind of rustoleum? I have decision paralysis whenever I see too many options and I was be try overwhelmed when I went to the store the other day to look for something hahah
That's the brand name. It's just their regular stuff, and we got black so it'd match our fence the hardware cloth was attached to.

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