Panting and lethargic; need help identifying cause


Aug 19, 2022
Georgia, USA
1) What type of bird, age and weight: 11mo Easter Egger. No noticeable weight gain/loss.

2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lethargy, pale comb, and abnormal panting (temps are low 60s inside and outside). Symptoms started yesterday afternoon before clearing up in the evening. They started again this evening and are persisting into the night. Off and on for almost 2 days.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? 15 other birds of various ages are not showing any symptoms.

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. None that I could tell.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation? I have no idea. They forage in the yard for 4-8 hours a day so maybe she ate something weird?

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. Purina Flock Raiser, hard boiled eggs, oyster shell, grit, and whatever found in the yard. Plain water but now I've been giving her ACV in the water since she's not well. Her appetite is come and go; she's definitely not the glutton I know her as!

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. Poop looks normal.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? ACV in her water. I really have no idea what to do for her so I could really use some advice please!

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? Treat her myself if possible.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

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12) Describe the housing/bedding in use. Run is dirt, coop bedding is straw.

Thank you for reading and any advice. I'm worried about her. Found her yesterday hiding under a bench just panting. She looked so miserable. After putting her in a box on my porch with straw and giving her treats & rubs she eventually left after a couple hours and went back into the coop to lay. She didn't lay, however, until this morning. She usually lays 5 days a week; just a one day off. However, she didn't lay for 2-3 days before laying this morning. I noticed the comb starting to pale day before yesterday but nothing else seemed amiss so I wrote it off. Today she acted normal so I let her out to forage for a couple hours. But later when I went to check on her I couldn't find her. Searched everywhere calling for her before finding her in their run crammed up under the ramp. Keeping her inside tonight with me.
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Get extra calcium into her.
You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

See that she's drinking well and offer her normal feed.

Photos of her poop would be good.
Thank you so much. I'll go out first thing in the morning to get her some. Thankfully she is drinking really well. Crop is full of food too tonight. I wish I took poop photos yesterday when I was investigating it. They were solid, well-formed, and looked like the typical feed poop but with a few little bits of grass. Today they've been a little looser. I'll get pictures asap.

For tonight, can I do something like soak the oyster shell in her water? Just so she's taking in a bit more until tomorrow.

Edit: Found a dried out poop from yesterday.
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Just checked on her before I go to bed and she had this really thin poop I haven't seen before. Gonna start massaging her crop just in case.

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I offered some extra oyster shell before bed. She was pretty eager about it. Ate a decent amount and drank a lot of water.

Pooped once sometime during the night (between 2am and 8am) and pooped this just this morning when I was checking on her:

She stopped panting sometime during the night but she's still lethargic. Not interested in food or water. Crop didn't empty so it's still full.

Finally nibbled a little feed a little bit ago then pooped again:

She's not weak, thankfully. Jumped out of her box to mope on my nightstand so I rubbed her crop. She's been talking to me quite a bit, pruning herself, etc. And demanded to perch on me.


I'll be heading out soon to get those calcium supplements. Thank you again for the help @Wyorp Rock. I really appreciate you taking your time to help my girl, Zelda!

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