Paralyzed legs, broken wing


5 Years
Dec 26, 2019
Hello everyone!
My coturnix quail couldn’t get up one day when my mom came home. It must have hit its head. I wasn’t home at the time. She took it to the vet, got some medicine and minerals. It’s been 4 days and the bird still can’t get up, it’s very thin but it started eating today. It can’t really move around so it can’t eat or drink on its own. It also flaps its wings when it falls over, so now I think both are broken. One is very purple…it’s got to hurt because it chirps if anything touches it. I tried wrapping it up but it couldn’t even sit that way because of the bandage. I’ll take it back to the vet tomorrow, what can I do until then to keep it from making the injury worse? Or…should we put it down?:(
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I'm sorry to hear about this. Generally, if a bird can't get up and/or isn't eating, it's usually time to cull.

Quail normally heal very quickly, so if there hasn't been significant healing in four days, its chances aren't good.
I read it here on BYC that a quail that hit its head and got paralyzed might take 4-6 weeks to heal. Her legs are getting stronger and her appetite is back, the real problem are the wings now.
I read it here on BYC that a quail that hit its head and got paralyzed might take 4-6 weeks to heal. Her legs are getting stronger and her appetite is back, the real problem are the wings now.
There is a possibility that she may recover. You will need to spend a lot of time with her to make sure she gets enough food and water and stays clean.

It's up to you if you want to spend the weeks caring for her every hour or two on the chance that she may recover.
I read it here on BYC that a quail that hit its head and got paralyzed might take 4-6 weeks to heal. Her legs are getting stronger and her appetite is back, the real problem are the wings now.
If you can, remove the poop from her toes. I don't know if it'll help, but. Anyway, it can track sickness I believe :)

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