Parrot shredding toys for hens?

I bought these:

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The colored strips of paper look just like the crinkly strips from the shredded tarp. I thought that would attract the chickens.

At first it seemed like they weren't interested. They walked up, pecked at it, decided it wasn't food and wandered off.

By the next day all the paper strips were gone. About a third were on the ground and the rest were missing so I guess they decided those were food?? 😳

Next they started on the sola balls which are sort of cork-like. The chickens love pecking those to pieces. It looked like they were eating some of the bits that fell on the ground but mostly they just like pecking it into oblivion. They haven't shown any interest in the other parts, yet.

The Amazon listing says they use edible dyes. Sola is an edible aquatic plant. The reviews say it's a popular if messy toy for birds and pet rats.
Thanks for posting these. When free ranging, my flock loves to go over and unravel a ratty old tarp covering a lawnmower in the corner of our yard. I've tried to clean it up but it's impossible at this point to get everything so I usually just chase them away. Then chase them away again. Then a couple more times. Then get frustrated and lock them back up again.

Did you remove any of the metal bits before putting them out? If you hung them, any issues with the chickens breaking the snap they come with for hanging?
Thanks for posting these. When free ranging, my flock loves to go over and unravel a ratty old tarp covering a lawnmower in the corner of our yard. I've tried to clean it up but it's impossible at this point to get everything so I usually just chase them away. Then chase them away again. Then a couple more times. Then get frustrated and lock them back up again.

Did you remove any of the metal bits before putting them out? If you hung them, any issues with the chickens breaking the snap they come with for hanging?

Sorry it took a few days to get back to you! I removed one of the toys and brought it inside so I could get some good photos of it in its current state.

The metal pieces are the clip, the center rod, and two connector rings. They are pretty much the same metal parts as you'd find on a treat skewer. I didn't remove anything before putting these in the run, I just hung them up.

The clip is very strong. No one has snapped it or pulled it down, it stays in place well. The little woven band under the yellow block is slowly being destroyed on the other one but it's still intact on this one (so far).

The hens don't seem interested in the wood or metal pieces. The only plastic piece is that pink pacifier. I have no idea why someone put a plastic pink pacifier on a parrot toy. 🤷‍♀️ The hens have ignored it.

I wonder which parts of these toys parrots enjoy the most?

I have no idea why someone put a plastic pink pacifier on a parrot toy. 🤷‍♀️
Some parrots LOVE uniquely shaped and brightly coloured beads and such. Pacifier beads are common additions to parrot toys.
My guy likes them as foot toys and for throwing around :)

The hens don't seem interested in the wood or metal pieces.
The wood in parrot toys is for them to chew/chip into pieces I can't imagine hens being interested in wood as they don't have the beak for it...
I wonder which parts of these toys parrots enjoy the most?
This greatly depends on the parrot species and their personality. Even some big parrots are completely softies and won't touch big or hard wooden blocks and prefer nice soft materials like palm leaf and paper etc. Some love nothing more than destroying any block of wood they can get their beaks on. Some are a mix of both! One of the fun things about parrots, how unique they all are!

I think if I was to give parrot toys to something like a chicken I would aim for the ones that are more "Shredding toys", things that are paper or palm leaf based. Something with lot of shredded paper that they can pull out. A bit like these?
If you are on a budget, I find my chickens like tearing up newspaper. Not even Sunday funnies, just regular black and white newspaper. I had it on the floor of the playpen and they just used their beaks and claws to shred into strips. Interior decorating? I don't know. I now have recycled wood pellets, which they don't decorate with. They never bothered the wood shaving either, except to fluff out a little.
I think if I was to give parrot toys to something like a chicken I would aim for the ones that are more "Shredding toys", things that are paper or palm leaf based. Something with lot of shredded paper that they can pull out. A bit like these?

Great info, thanks! I've had parakeets but nothing larger.

The toys originally had a lot of shredded paper - that was why I bought them and it was the first thing they destroyed, second was the sola ball. They seemed to eat a lot of it which concerned me at first but everyone seems to be fine.

This is what the toys looked like new:

Great info, thanks! I've had parakeets but nothing larger.

The toys originally had a lot of shredded paper - that was why I bought them and it was the first thing they destroyed, second was the sola ball. They seemed to eat a lot of it which concerned me at first but everyone seems to be fine.

This is what the toys looked like new:

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I have 6 budgies and they're actually my "specialty" when it comes to my parrot knowledge :p I've only ever has two bigger parrots but I'm also a bit of a bird nerd and have done a ton of reading on parrots in general.
I find it interesting they like sola! Are you sure they're actually eating it? Sola tends to "compress" so the mess in relation to the original sola isn't always the same, at least in my experience.
They pecked the sola ball into pieces then ate about half of the pieces that fell on the ground. The rest they left there.

About 3/4 of the shredded paper disappeared, they were eating it like noodles.

They free feed their food and I check it twice a day. They never run out. They also get grubs, peas, apples, blueberries, oatmeal, and plenty of other treats so they're not starving.

I guess they ate the sola and paper strips because... they tasted good? Or it was just fun? 🤷‍♀️
They pecked the sola ball into pieces then ate about half of the pieces that fell on the ground. The rest they left there.

About 3/4 of the shredded paper disappeared, they were eating it like noodles.

They free feed their food and I check it twice a day. They never run out. They also get grubs, peas, apples, blueberries, oatmeal, and plenty of other treats so they're not starving.

I guess they ate the sola and paper strips because... they tasted good? Or it was just fun? 🤷‍♀️
Or just that chickens are weird little prehistoric critters.

Thanks for sharing the toys. I’m gonna get my bunch a pair and see how they like them. Just have to figure out somewhere to hang them in the run!

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