Partridge Plymouth Rock--progressive pics

Back to the Earth

9 Years
Mar 27, 2010
Progressive pics

Week one:

Week two:

Week three:

Week four:

Week five:


Week six:

Week seven:
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She is turned away in all my pics. It took 10 shots just to get this pic--she's squirmy. My SLW is just a peach and easy to photograph.
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I think you're still safe. That comb isn't too big or at all pink or red for 4 weeks.

I'm not familiar with partridge rocks, but I've had other straight comb breeds, and they usually start looking suspicious around 2.5 weeks, and I'm convinced by 4 weeks.

I vote girl.

btw, there is a category just for "what gender" questions like this. You might get more responses over there. good luck!
Thanks! I haven't found many progressive pics of Partridge Plymouth Rocks on here. Got mine at the Urban Farm Store in Portland, OR (not sure which hatchery).

So, I'm hoping others might join in and we can all help each other out. In fact, I haven't found a whole lot on PPR's on the web in general--in my opinion, it could use a little development. I'll post my videos on "youtube" so that others can find some material I couldn't find when I first started looking. I'll post under devo326. After all, watching behavior and physiological development is a major element of chicken husbandry!

RE: your BTW--I also have a post there and it has received limited feedback with mixed reviews. You are the first to respond to my Ladybug's comb color. It's a roller coaster until you really know, but you've given me a moment of relief. I sure love these girls!!!
Time will tell. I had a Welsummer last spring, which are also partridge and straight combed, and it was red and huge by 4 weeks. Yes, individuals vary.

I was new last year and I was convinced that all of my babies were boys, and I put pictures of almost all of them on BYC. Turns out, only one of many was mis-sexed. Now I'm hatching eggs, and I KNOW I have a brooder full of boys!
So, I assume this means your Welsummer was a girl then? Would love to hear about your experience with egg color if this is true... Where can I find your posts from last year? I'd really like to see your pics and follow the transition.

BTW--love the "illegal" reference in your bio as I'm also illegal! Reasonable, responsible, personable, considerate, frugal and loving a wee bit of country--but, illegal.
My Wellie was a boy, but he had a big red comb by 3 weeks. I think if yours was a boy, you'd see something similar.

I never saw his eggs, since he was a he, and since I have him away. He was from Ideal.

I have an incubator full of Welsummers that are one generation off from Will Morrow's at Whitmore Farms in MD. They are DARK. As dark as my Marans, which are also dark and from good lines. So yes, there are Wellies that lay a very dark egg (unlike the myth of dark Barnevelders).

I'll try to take pics of the eggs in my incubator.

I'm right downtown in Philadelphia, so I'm really not allowed to have farm animals. But I keep the quiet ones, get rid of the loud ones, and keep them clean. So far so good.

Where are you? I'll have extra Wellies and Marans x Wellies in a couple weeks.
Hmmmmm. Been dreaming of Wels and Barns for years now. Actually, I went to the feed store to pick up a special order (waiting three years for it) of 1 Barnevelder and 1 Salmon Favorelles; however, the hatch didn't go well and I was a bit desperate for chicks. That's why I settled for the SLW and PPR. I live in Washington state. Wish you were closer! I'd love 1-2 more chicks and have an incubator to hatch eggs. Hatching is a good alternative since I've never had a problem finding pet quality homes for birds that don't fit my bill. Hmmmmmm.
I have been trying to connect with somebody to get Partridge Rocks for a couple of months now. There are not that many Partridge Rock owners out there - from what I can tell. I am in FLORIDA - - Back to Earth where are you ? ?

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