Pavers as a duck house floor?


6 Years
Oct 1, 2018
Shelby County, AL
I was wondering if pavers are a good option for a duck house floor? I don't really like the idea of putting down a slab of concrete in the middle of my orchard in case I ever need to move the duck house for whatever reason, so I thought Pavers might be an alternative, that way if I ever needed to move it they would be easy enough to pick up, move, and reuse, where concrete we would have to break up and toss and completely redo the floor where we move it to. We have a pond that we may or may not eventually move them to but for the time being they are controlling weeds and grass in the orchard and adding fertilizer. I was thinking sand as a filler around to bricks to allow for drainage, wood shavings or (when available) dried grass from bush hogging the property as bedding, and maybe even adding a French drain for additional drainage when cleaning. Any problems with pavers that I'm not seeing? We are currently using a mobile hoop coop that we are moving around the orchard weekly, but it gets sooooo gross, and we would really like to be able to compost their poo and bedding to improve the soil in our garden. Our red clay definitely needs some assistance...

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