Payback Organic Chicken Starter Crumble?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 6, 2014
Portland, OR
Went to the feed store today and the only organic chicken starter they had was by this company called "payback" I have to admit I am a bit skeptical becuase they make a bunch of conventional/gmo feeds also. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this brand, and if it is something I can trust for my young chickens. I noticed the second ingredient is soy, while im glad it's organic i'm not sure if feeding them soy was something to avoid or if this is usually a marjor componant of good feed? I'm pretty experienced with human nutrition, but poultry nutrition is new to me. A big part of why I raise my own chickens is because I want the chickens and the eggs to be as healthy as possible. So I want to make sure I am using the best feed I can reasonably acquire.
Payback Organic

I also came across Payback feeds while shopping for my pullets at Concentrates NW in Milwaukie. Seems well regarded by the staff who works at Concentrates. It appears to be milled in Harrisburg Oregon.

Found a discussion here.

I don't know much else about it. The 50# bag of Payback All Purpose Poultry Pellets (19%) was $18.
I love this brand, it’s been the best for my flock. Chicks do great on it and hens have strong shells (I still give supplementary oyster and eggshell back occasionally but it’s not totally necessary).

I tried scratch and peck, but the hens picked out what they like and left the rest. it’s great sprouted (soaked in water for 2-3 d) though.

I tried the other brands commercially available at Coastal and TSC but the hens definitely weren’t impressed and didn’t look as healthy.
I use Payback layer pellets and also have used their hatch-to-hen crumble (which is like an all flock, so I raised the chicks on it). The chickens seem to like this feed and don't throw it everywhere, which makes me happy.

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