Peacock “honking”


16 Years
Jun 23, 2008
North Carolina
My peacock is 5 months old. He was raised with a Royal Palm turkey and I let her out today to hang out in the pasture with the other turkeys and chickens. My peacock is pacing back and forth in the run making a honking sound. I know he’s upset (I’ll put the turkey back with him later) but I can’t find anything about the peacocks making a honking sound.
My peacock is 5 months old. He was raised with a Royal Palm turkey and I let her out today to hang out in the pasture with the other turkeys and chickens. My peacock is pacing back and forth in the run making a honking sound. I know he’s upset (I’ll put the turkey back with him later) but I can’t find anything about the peacocks making a honking sound.
They make all kinds of sounds, especially when they are upset.


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So it is. 🙂 Peafowl makes lots of noises.
I really wish I could let him out but I’m so scared he will leave and not come back. We are on 10 1/2 acres. I’ve been looking for a female for him but haven’t found any near me. He got out the other day when I was getting my turkey out and he flew up into a tree. I was absolutely panicking!
The honking sound is a locating call. Little chicks will make a crying sound when they are temporarily lost from their mom. The honk is a grown version of it. It tells other birds it is lost and to call back so they can find one another. I think at this point you could probably let it out of the pen as well.
it got out the other day and immediately flew up on top the donkeys stall and then into a tree in the woods. I was in sheer panic and my husband managed to grab the branch down enough and we were able to shake it out of the tree. I’m so scared he will fly away and not come back
I may eventually have to let him out with the turkey because I just went to put the turkey back up with him and he has cut his feet all up from freaking out trying to get out to be with the turkey today. He was pacing all day, flying from the roost to the sides of the run carrying on. 😞

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