
6 Years
Mar 12, 2018
Hey everyone!! I'm interested in eventually having peafowl and I'm just curious as to what are good gender ratios and if you can have males around each other or if they have to be separated at all times. The idea is to have my entire property fenced in and have all my birds (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, peafowl) all free ranged with various shelters. So I'm curious if you can even keep peacocks free ranged together or if they have to be separated (Do peacocks fight over females or do they only display and whoever the female chooses is who she chooses?) and also how many peacans? peahens? (someone please tell me whats correct) I need per peacock. I really like the India Blue, Pied, White, Java Green, and I'm curious if there are solid black peafowl and I would want a peacock of each so how many females would I need? Thanks in advance for any info guys! And sorry if my questions are stupid I don't really know anything about peafowl!

P.S. could anyone tell me what type of peacock the picture is? He's beautiful!
Buford Bronze Black Shoulder.jpg
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Also does anyone have pics of a purple peacock? I tried to google search it but a lot of them look photoshopped to me and I can't tell what is real and what has been edited. Thanks guys!
There’s tons of good info in the Peafowl stickies. I’d suggest giving them a good read through. They’ll answer many of your questions.

I think the pea you pictured is Hazel. They’re one of the new colors which is really tough to find. Beautiful bird tho!! Purples are much easier to find. This is my purple black shoulder (same bird, different lighting):

I went looking for images of purple peas on google and you are so right that there are tons of photoshopped pics there!! Here’s a good BYC thread about purple peas. Some of them can almost be mistaken for standard IBs until the light hits them just right.

Best of luck to you and your peas!!


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i have kept males together and theres usually a dominant male, and i think a good ratio is 1 peacock for 3 or 4 hens but you could just have a pair. to me they arent like chickens and the males arent like roosters like i have never had to worry about my peahens backs getting torn up lol
also i think you can freerange them all together but ive never free ranged my peafowl bc i think they would run away and they fly so well. mine are usually scared of people and wont let you get to close
and i dont think there is a solid black peafowl strain yet, but there is blackshoulder peafowl.
im not really sure but that might be a bronze peacock in the picture, i have only really gotten into raising blackshoulder, india blue, and just now got a pair of india blue pied. but am liking the look of opals and peach peafowl
I have two males and three females.... everyone seems to get along pretty well, but my female indian blue picks on my white one once in a while.
I keep all of mine in trios, once the trains on the males have fallen out they tend to get along fairly well but anytime before that it's war for them.
I keep all of mine in trios, once the trains on the males have fallen out they tend to get along fairly well but anytime before that it's war for them.
really? i guess im lucky ive never had or maybe i just never saw my peafowl fighting and at one time i had 3 or 4 grown males together. do yours peck or fight like roosters

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