Peafowl Tinder Matches


May 10, 2023
Good morning! I am newish to peafowl and last year began acquiring a group of chicks to begin a mixed flock, which I would like to split into mating pens next year. I am now at the stage where I pretty much know who is going to be what as far as color/sex. I have some thoughts on who to match with whom, but I would love input...

Can anyone offer suggestions on how to pair or match these groups in breeding pens? Are there any that you would recommend just removing from the flock (selling) or replacing for a better mating outcome? If you recommend adding a different color bird or additional stock to improve variety, what color/pattern do you recommend and why - what match would be made by doing so with what I have already?

I am still learning about the genetics and if I need to make any changes, this year while they are still sub-adults is when I would prefer to do it.

I will have 6 separated breeding pens during mating season. I currently have the following birds. I expect I will downsize some of the IB males before they mature. I will note anything I know about their breeding history if it helps...


1 - IB adult male (produced an IB pied chick in a pen with a white and IB hen this year)
1 - IB yearling male (parents both IB)
1 - IB split white yearling male
1 - IB silver pied yearling male (possibly split BS)
1 - IB WE yearling male (possibly split BS)
1 - Bronze WE yearling male
1 - BS yearling male
1 - Cameo pied yearling male


1 - IB adult female (possibly hatched a pied chick this spring - unsure whose egg it was, hers or the white hen)
1 - white adult female (possibly hatched a pied chick this spring - unsure whose egg it was, hers or the IB hen)
1 - white yearling female (came from mixed pen with bronze, IB and BS stock)
1 - IB silver pied yearling female (poss split BS)
1 - IB WE yearling female (poss split BS)
1 - opal yearling female
1 - opal WE yearling female
1 - Cameo yearling BS female
1 - BS yearling female (came from mixed pen with bronze, IB and BS stock)
1 - purple pied yearling female
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Pen #1 should have your mature IB split Pied and the two White hens. This will produce Pied and IB split to White. Daddy has one Pied gene and mommas have two White genes. Daddy will pass the Pied gene half the time and will combine with the hens White genes to make Pieds. The other half of the time the chicks will only get one white gene making split White chicks.

Pen #2 IBSP cock and IBSP hen plus IBWE hen. This will produce 25% White, 50% SP, and 25% Dark Pied with the SP hen. If your WE hen is a full, double factor WE, she will produce all Full WE chicks, if she is not she will make 25% White, 50% of the chicks full WE, and 25% split WE.

Pen #3 Bronze WE cock and IBBS hen and any other possibly split Bronze hen you have.

Pen #4 Cameo Pied cock and Cameo BS hen. Include your Purple Pied hen here too. Any non Cameo cocks will be split to both Cameo and Purple and the beginning of making Peach. All hen chicks will be Cameo and half of the cock chicks should be Cameo, the other half as stated above will be IB split to both Cameo and Purple.

Pen #5 you will need an Opal cock to go with the Opal hens you have.

Pen #6 is for all the leftover cocks for sale.
Also this is supposed to be the mother from the birds that I noted as possibly split to black shoulder. The father was IB pied. Am I correct that this is an IBBS? It is the only pic I have and the owner has since sold her.


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Sorry, one more question! The sex-link colors still get me a bit...

So the yearling offspring that I purchased that came from (supposedly) this hen in the picture and an IB pied cock include:
The IB silver pied male and female, and the IB white eye male and female. My understanding is that the cocks would be split to cameo then, but not the hens?
Sorry, one more question! The sex-link colors still get me a bit...

So the yearling offspring that I purchased that came from (supposedly) this hen in the picture and an IB pied cock include:
The IB silver pied male and female, and the IB white eye male and female. My understanding is that the cocks would be split to cameo then, but not the hens?
Correct. However that does not consider any splits the cock was carrying.

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