Pecking Order...


Mar 25, 2025
Question, I have 2 hens that are currently kept separate because one of them was kicked out of their flock. Unfortunately, since then 2 members of the flock including my rooster got attacked by coyotes, leaving one hen remaining. I'm raising 3 pullets and a cockeral, they're still in the brooding stage. I plan to introduce the hen that wasnt kicked out of the flock, but my biggest question is could these chickens establish a new pecking order to the point where both hens could be kept together? The existing hen from the flock fights the one who was kicked out.
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Take the aggressive hen, and isolate from the flock, while the other hens are together. Then after about one week, introduce the aggressor back to the 2 that are not fighting grade. Observe what happens. After one week away, she is looked at as a newcomer. Those usually feel entry level pecking order. If aggressor is being mean,,,,, then consider clipping only the upper beak some. That usually will cool the aggression. They are not able to use their beak as a weapon. They still will be able to eat, and drink,,,, but plucking feathers gets difficult. Beak will grow back in time.
Use a nail clipper, and just clip off the hook part of top beak. Then use an emery board to file/round any sharp edges on that top beak.
If aggression is persistent,, you may consider rehoming to a larger flock with other hens higher up the pecking order.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome

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