Peeping / Squeaking Speckled Sussex


In the Brooder
Sep 26, 2017
I have a nearly 1 year old Speckled Sussex who's been making a peeping / squeaking noise for about a week now. She sounds sort of like a squeak toy refilling with air. She's been laying, eating, drinking, playing, etc. just fine. My other 3 gals sound totally normal.

Yesterday my Aunt suggested a Sulmet liquid since it seems like it's something respiratory but, I couldn't find Sulmet at our TSC and gave her Corid instead after reading a few posts on here....

I gave her a syringe full yesterday (she wasn't too happy about it), and seems to sound the same today....any idea how long to treat / how soon I'll see results? Any other ideas of what it may be?
When I had a chicken with a respiratory infection it sounded almost like she was snoring all the time. If you hold her up to your ear do you hear wheezing? Is there any discharge or swelling near/from eyes and nostrils? Does she ever sneeze? Does she shake her head? Unfortunately Corid is not an antibiotic and cannot be used to treat respiratory infections it treats digestive tract issues. There are, however antibiotics that can be used to successfully treat some respiratory diseases (there are several that our birds can get). I successfully cleared mine up with Tylan and started seeing improvement in about 48 hours after starting antibiotics.
I also have used tylan for respiratory illnesses....I gave mine two times a day for 7 days...tylan 50 injectable...though I switched after two days and gave orally since the injections seemed too stressful on the chickens...I gave my bantams .50 ml twice a day.

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