Peeved at Peavey Mart (pun intended)


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Feb 26, 2011
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
This was the email I sent to Peavey Mart today. Including my typos due to being too frustrated.

Hi M******

As a nurse, I understand that you are busy. You have so many emails coming every minute. However, it is still important that you give customers the correct information. I was very much looking forward to this order that I was supposed to pick up on May 3rd. It was the reason why I chose the first possible pick up. Unfortunately, you/your supplier did not have that order.

You stated I could then pick them up for the May 17th delivery. My concern was that they would still be somewhat young by the time I leave the country for ten days at the end of June. However, if I wanted to get them this year, I would need to see if there are any possible pick ups for my order when I return to Canada in July. You informed me that yes, I could pick them up in July 26. Fearing another delayed order, I chose July 12th pick up in case I could have one more chance for July 26th.

Now you are about to set me up for yet another disappointment saying that I could order for the end of this month. However, what I would like to order (Old english bantams) are not even on the page for the breeds. Had I known that I would not be able to order them, I would have ordered them by May 8th to pick them up today. That way they would be fully feathered to go outside during my vacation and I would not need to brood them indoors and give my keys to a stranger to enter the premises to take care of them.

I suggest you check the actual website before informing customers that I could still make an order for a product that does not show up on your website.

Thank you.
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This was the reply I received:

I am sorry Kim. The hatchery told us last week that they would only be available till end of may and I am not even sure with that with them cancelling these birds for 2 shipments so far.

This is new to us so getting used to all.

We will improve.

Now I feel bad but yeah I needed to say what I had to say because I felt how this chicken looks but more mad
I decided to email the hatchery directly.

Hi Hoover,

I am just wondering what is going on with the Old English bantams. I ordered from Peavey Mart for pick up May 3rd. It was cancelled the same day. Luckily, I was not working but was in school- I would imagine others would have booked the day off work since Peavey Mart only offers Wednesday pick ups and they would need to be before 1:15 PM I believe. I was then told that I would need to order by May 8th to receive them on May 17th. It is a long story but Peavey Mart received two cancellations from you for deliveries for the Old English. I also hoped to pick them up July 12th, and was informed that they are only available til end of May and now they are not listed as for sale on Peavey's website (for Ontario, Canada).


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