Pekin Roosters or hens?


Jun 4, 2015

I have just purchased a flock of Pekins that the owner said were hens with a Silkie Rooster. Since having them home I have heard a crow from one of the Pekins in the hen house while the Silkie was out. Now I am wondering if they are all roosters. Please advise. They are supposed to be hatched last christmas so approx 6 months old. They all appear to "fight with their feet which I thought was a male behaviour. Please help.
The buff and black ones are definitely males, they both appear to have rooster hackle and saddle feathers, and I'm pretty sure I'm seeing male hackle feathers on the mottled too so I think that one may be a male also.
Thank you . I thought as much. As I said I was sold them as hens. Now I need to get rid of them. I cannot keep three roosters.

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