Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Welp, the universe has a funny way of doing things. So I'm in the process of getting my grow out/meat bird pen finished so I can finally evict these darn roosters out to my mom's instead of them being cooped up in my office!

I was at Agway today getting supplies for just that, and a lady heard I was getting chick starter and started up a conversation with me. Turns out she has a broody hen and wants hatching eggs! I said I can absolutely do that, she only wants 6 (I'm okay with that). But now I have to figure out wtf to do as far as price goes. (I started a thread to help figure that out). Worst case scenario I say "Gimme $10 and they're yours"

Because I wanna make back at least some of the money I'd get if I hatched those 6 out myself. (And yes that's still lower than what it would be if I sold the chicks). I may have to attempt to do some math and see what I come up with.

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