Perennial garden


7 Years
Jun 15, 2017
Harrisville, NY
I use sweet pdz granules on my roost boards. i was wondering can I take this straight off the boards ( manure mixed sweet pdz) and added it to flower beds in the fall on top of mulch after everything goes dormant? It is mostly hostas and ornamental shrubs. I’m in zone 4 northern ny my plants are usually dormant from October to March with lots of snow in the winter. Is this enough composting time / Is there still a risk of burning my plants?
We use horse bedding pellets and each spring we clean them out. After a year, they have turned to mostly sawdust and pulverized chicken poop. We put them in our compost bins, some in the garden, around trees, and in flower beds. We have never seen an issue.

Granted, you'd think that sawdust might be less of a ratio vs. chicken poop, but consider that this has been in our coop for a year with approximately 15 adult silkies.

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