We r a small 56 acre farm. We somtimes have eggs available and breed our chickens to standard and none r hatchery stock. We have alot of silkies. But we also raise Lav orps, UK english type orps, seramas and langshans. Just wondering what everyone thinks of my silkies we work hard and cull hard and each generation keeps getting better. These silkies r of all ages and I dont have pics of all of them. Some look like replicas of each other as well. Just wanted to see if there is any interest in our silkies as we plan to seperate by color and begin selling eggs this fall. Ours r a combintation of 2 different well known show lines crossed together.U guys would make fun of me if u actually knew how much money we have in our birds. But its a fun hobby for our family.
Please keep in mind that many r young and have not filled out yet and thier crest r just begining to develop. I have many more pics but figured this was enough. We do breed for the correct SQ standard and for the largest crest possable. We r just curious if we did seperate by color and decided to sell eggs if anyone would even be interested. All comments r welcome and we r also interested in adding paint silkies to our flock if anyone has any of decent quality. Thanks a bunch and u can enlarge pics by clicking on them.
Please keep in mind that many r young and have not filled out yet and thier crest r just begining to develop. I have many more pics but figured this was enough. We do breed for the correct SQ standard and for the largest crest possable. We r just curious if we did seperate by color and decided to sell eggs if anyone would even be interested. All comments r welcome and we r also interested in adding paint silkies to our flock if anyone has any of decent quality. Thanks a bunch and u can enlarge pics by clicking on them.