Picturs of a few of my girls and one of the Roo's


Out Of Coop
10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
quite lazy today. This is what they have all done all day today. With smiles of course....

This one I don't know what she is but she is fairly dainty and looks it as well.


And this is one belongs to the one upabove....by the way they will not go anymore than about 6 inches away from the other....lol


These are three of my RIR...They are busy kicking sand on each other.


All the others were in hiding....it is a hot day here in FL. And my poor husband is outside making bat houses for delivery and to install this evening! As I sit inside with the cool a/c. Poor hubby.
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Thank you! I appreicate that. I'm not a good photograher by any means but sometimes I like to show my babies off as well.

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