Of the 30 poults we raised from day-olds, we lost 1 to crushing on day 10, and 2 to heatstroke in May. Two developed respiratory infections. 2 weeks of nursing for each and they got well. Another with yellow diarrhea, inappetance and weight loss. Again, I nursed that one back to health also.
They have all been grass-raised and fed non-GMO, Soy-Free feed. We have 10 Toms and 17 hens.
Most of these birds are sold in advance for Thanksgiving, but we would like to keep some back for hatching egg production and poults. They are all lovely long-legged, long-bodied, narrow-breasted birds that run like the wind. Wing-clipping has been essential though as they are very flighty. Some of them are brown-eyed and some are blue-eyed. I believe that the breed standard calls for brown eyes?
Does anyone have any further tips? Should I go for two Toms in case we lose one, for whatever reason? How many girls can we keep per Tom, max, to guarantee fertility? These birds are 7 1/2 months old and I am amazed that we are getting three turkey eggs a day already so we are eating them with our duck eggs.
I know that they are the most endangered domestic breed, because of out-crossing with the Broad-Breasted White, but is there a register of breeders available?
Thanks for any advice!
They have all been grass-raised and fed non-GMO, Soy-Free feed. We have 10 Toms and 17 hens.
Most of these birds are sold in advance for Thanksgiving, but we would like to keep some back for hatching egg production and poults. They are all lovely long-legged, long-bodied, narrow-breasted birds that run like the wind. Wing-clipping has been essential though as they are very flighty. Some of them are brown-eyed and some are blue-eyed. I believe that the breed standard calls for brown eyes?
Does anyone have any further tips? Should I go for two Toms in case we lose one, for whatever reason? How many girls can we keep per Tom, max, to guarantee fertility? These birds are 7 1/2 months old and I am amazed that we are getting three turkey eggs a day already so we are eating them with our duck eggs.
I know that they are the most endangered domestic breed, because of out-crossing with the Broad-Breasted White, but is there a register of breeders available?
Thanks for any advice!
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