My ducks are living in my garden area, and I built them a tiny pond there. Other than loving my ducks and the house my husband built for them, it’s a bit disastrous. The pond has never looked tranquil or inviting. The ducks definitely want to eat anything in it. They ate the Lilly’s to the mint. I thought most animals don’t like strong herbs, but these gals and guys do. I can now see the pond liner, the water is brown with poo and dirt, and there are zero plants to oxygenate the water. I’m thinking of maybe building a duck ponics system eventually. They ate all my potato heads of my plants too, and raised water beds would at least keep them out of plants near them. They actually leave most of my garden alone, just destroying anything near the pond. I also fenced off greens, knowing, that would entice them. Are there plants for ponds that aren’t toxic, and that they won’t eat? I’m going to have to wait a bit to build my duck ponics system, since I’ve already blown allot of money and everything is so expensive, but I’d like their pond to look a little better.