Plants safe forMy Ducks and Garden Bantams?


7 Years
Jun 25, 2013
Dayton Ohio
I have a pair of Khaki Campbell , one Rouen drake and three Ducks. I am getting ready to put in a nice size pond and new pen. I also would like to put some bantam chicken in this area. My concern is there are many plants in the area I wish the place their pen. Not wanting to poison or make my friend sick. Is there a list of plant that I can look up.
My plants in area;
Red Bud tree
Weeping Crabapple tree
Sumac tree (monkey tree)
Rose Bush
Sea Oats Grass
Old Fashion Orange Lilies
Lemon balm
Poison Ivy Will be removed LOL
I know that I am moving some of the flowering plant, but not sure I will get all of their starts out of area. Can anyone help me know which one I really have to
eliminate out of their pond area? Thanks Joe
This is a good question, and not that easy to answer quickly because the encyclopedia of safe plants has not been written, to my knowledge…..

I can tell you that lemon balm and mint are fine and poison ivy is only a concern here because they can get the oil on their feathers and if an allergic person pets them, well, that's a problem. But I'm not allergic.

Vinca has been fine here.

Rose is only a worry due to thorns, but my ducks have gone through thorny thickets unscathed.

Red bud pods - I don't know, I have read some articles that certain legumes are not good for ducks - needs some more research.

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