Please help a newbie out


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2023
I'm at a loss of what else to do for my sick hen. She started out wheezing and sneezing. Then stretching out neck and gasping. Wasn't eating or drinking, super lethargic and purple comb. Have done everything suggested. Treated with vet rx, shots of liquamycin, colloidal silver, rooster booster in water, garlic and other herbs and did a round of dewormer in case of gape worm. She seemed to be improving, gasping stopped(now back down to a wheeze), comb less purple but still shriveled, walking around a bit and started drinking. However she is still not eating and stopped drinking again. I have been giving her water by syringe, which she fights, and I noticed she has slimy mucous in her beak that's new and really seems to be bothering her. Help a newbie out. Any suggestions? And if you made it through this novel.. thank you!!
This is a post about dosage of LA-200. Not saying yours is wrong but just thought you may want to read this. There is a link also a few posts down to another dosage suggestion.

Following this and the worming treatment, she'll need probiotics bigtime.

What does her poop look like?

You could try making a wet mash out of some of her pellets/crumbles, and scrambling some egg into it. This would also help hydrate her as dehydration sounds like an issue too.

Here's a post about possible causes for the slimy mucous too, but it appears to be respiratory-related IMO, and not sure why the antibiotic isn't kicking it.
Good luck. With all you are doing, it seems she should be improving and hopefully she does! :hugs
It sounds like she is suffering from symptoms of a chronic respiratory disease, such as MG, viral bronchitis, coryza, or others. Does she have any bubbles or foam in either eye, or any swelling around the eye or face? Have you added any new birds recently, been to any poultry shows or swap meets, or live near other chickens? It might help to get her started on some Tylosin in her water. Denagard and oxytetracycline are also used for MG treatment. Here is a good place to find Tylosin online, and dosage is 1 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days:

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