Please help, rollaway nest box in their Eglu Cube?


Mar 5, 2024
One of my four hens is eating her eggs. No fun. I am trying to diy a roll away nest box inside my Eglu Cube. Desperate and not very mechanical. Anyone bought or made a rollaway for their Eye Cube?

First attempt (pictures with white tray), I used a solid seed starting tray. Thought it might be too slippery.
Second attempt, a black mesh bottom seed starting tray.
I ramped up one end with bricks and scrap wood. Put some scrap pool noodle pieces as a bumper to cushion the eggs landing. Cover the bottom half of the catchment tray with a half size seed starting tray.

Worries. 1) it will scare the chickens and they won't lay in the box anymore.
2) Their toes could get caught in the little mesh holes?

I am seriously considering closing off the nesting area and putting a commercially made nest box in the run area.

I would really appreciate your suggestions and feed back.

Thank you

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Not sure how to add a rollaway for that coop, but switching to a high protein feed (anywhere between 18-22%) and providing oyster shells on the side if you don't already do so can help curb egg eating as sometimes hens do that because of a nutritional deficiency. Hopefully someone will chime in about turning your nest box into a rollaway 'cause that's still a good idea, I just wanted to point out a possible cause of your problem
Not sure how to add a rollaway for that coop, but switching to a high protein feed (anywhere between 18-22%) and providing oyster shells on the side if you don't already do so can help curb egg eating as sometimes hens do that because of a nutritional deficiency. Hopefully someone will chime in about turning your nest box into a rollaway 'cause that's still a good idea, I just wanted to point out a possible cause of your problem
Thank you, I appreciate your help.
The girls have switched to layer feed, New Country Organics wheat free 17 percent protein. Should I soak or ferment it to be more bioavailable?
I give them a handful of dried black soldier fly lavara every day, twice a day (This is a bribe to keep them inside their run while I give them water and refresh their dust bath). They also have free choice access to grit and oyster shells.
Maybe this is the problem? 3 of the 4 have poopy butts. Yesterday I started a five day course of treating them all for worms.

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