Please tell me I got some pullets?

This was my concern that I had more rooster than pullets 😑 I didn’t want a rooster yet. Is there anything I can look for so I don’t end up in with more cockerels. I had a gut feeling on the white one, but his waddles and comb are still pink. with the little black/white and grey/white how could you tell? Any advice would be appreciated.
The Dark Brahmas I circled have male specific coloring. The other I actually forgot to point out earlier because I thought she was one of your others is a pullet. Your white cockerel has red shoulders :) I would avoid any birds with shoulder coloring when picking out chicks or large or red wattles/comb

The ladies I got them from both had a bunch of chickens I thought they would have a better idea of sex’s, they said they were pullets. the lady that I got the little black Brahma x said may be males as it’s hard to tell at that age. The bigger ones have changed so much in last week, the white one didn’t have any red, but I was suspicious of the big brown. Thanks for the information though I really appreciate it!
Your barred rock is a cockerel and so is the red one standing next to it
Yeah he has crowed a couple of the mornings and started getting gold neck and brown feathers. He was the only one I couldn’t be blind to the fact that I had roosters. But I don’t want too make multiple trips back to the lady who sold him, so it was a who else question…. I was suspicious on all the ones that have been mentioned, just thought I was wrong or didn’t want to be right. But in good news I found out the tiny brown Brahma know as nugget to all my family and friends, is a pullet is a huge relief, my little 4 yo niece loves her to bits.

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