Plug-in timer for coop fan?


12 Years
Dec 17, 2012
Texas Hill Country
I've bought an indoor/outdoor, 3-speed, covered motor fan that I'll position somewhere outside my coop. I'd like it to blow into or across the window(s) for interior coop cooling. I plan to site the fan underneath a roof overhang to further protect from the weather, although it is outdoor rated. I'd like to put it on a timer to go on when my girls go to bed, but to stop running just about sunrise, when the summer temps are their "lowest" (relatively speaking :rolleyes:). A timer would also give me the ability to program the fan to stop if severe weather is predicted, which usually occurs in the middle of the night. I can probably place the timer within the barn so it won't be outside in the elements.

Any recommendations on the plug-in timers that are pre-wired? I like the old-fashioned mechanical with the pins, etc. but digital is fine.
I like the old-fashioned mechanical with the pins, etc.
You can still buy these.
Not sure a timer will work well for a fan tho, especially if you need to turn it off during middle of the night bad weather.
Also not sure a fan placed outside the coop will give much air movement inside.
Can you post link to fan and pics of coop where you plan to install it?
Here is the fan I've ordered:

RE: pics, sorry, I'm a tech dinosaur so can't help with providing pics. Currently I have a very small, indoor desk fan suspended from the roof of the run and situated against one of the coop windows on the outside. This side of the coop is right up next to the barn. Coop window is narrow and wide and above the roosts. Fan is great because it gives a gentle breeze to move air (3 speeds) into the coop, but not great because not outdoor-rated.

I wanted to suspend the new fan (see link above) outside the opposite side of the coop from where the desk fan (to be removed) hangs. I can hopefully use the rafter from my run to hang the new fan, again moving air through the coop through a window on that side. Won't need to be hung as close to the coop. No room to mount a fan inside the coop, and I'm not convinced a fan located to 'pull' warm air from inside the coop will serve my purposes, although I'm willing to experiment with that setup.

We're at the start of another Heat Bomb here: temps into the high 90s with HI expected to reach 103-105F. Seems to be the new normal.

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