Plymoth rock or something else?


Sep 16, 2015
Just got back from the feed store with 4 chicks. Two are Silkies and I think the other two were Plymoth Rocks but they don't look like the chick pics I see on here. I can get a better picture if needed.


I believe the sign said barred plymouth rocks
I can't get the pic to enlarge for a better look, but the only one of those four that could possibly be a Barred Plymouth Rock is the black one in the very back and if it doesn't have a white spot on top of its head (I don't see one in the pic), it's not a Barred Plymouth Rock either. The light yellow one could be a White Plymouth Rock.
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Here are some better pictures of the chicks in question.

BTW I don't really mind if they were mislabled, I just wonder what they are :)
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Here are some better pictures of the chicks in question.

BTW I don't really mind if they were mislabled, I just wonder what they are :)
I have one of these chicks from our feed store and the guy said it is a Cream Legbar. Your feed store did not know what they were?! Also I am new here too!

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