Poland chick with hip problem


Mar 25, 2023
Help! I have a tiny Poland/polish chick who looks as if she has a dislocated hip, anyone know how I can help her, she's feisty and eats/drinks, bosses any other chick about who comes near her, but she won't make it outside with the others if she can't walk properly.
Hi, she’s been like it since birth, her legs were straddles so I taped them with vet tape and she’s been waddling around, she also had one claw out of place which I taped, this is now fine and having removed the tape from her lower legs she’s not splaying her legs any more, but she’s lopsided and when I looked at her from above with wet feathers (she was a bit poopy so I soaked her in a little warm water to remove it) I noticed one hip looks higher than the other and is quite pronounced. Her wind on that side is also sitting slightly higher than the other. She eats, drinks, chatters and moves around but definitely with a limp, and she’s definitely getting bigger.
Sounds as if she was born with multiple congenital problems. They may or may not impact her quality of life as she gets older.
She’s a little fighter and will peck at the other chicks I have, a mix of big chicken chicks who are all about 6 times her size, we’re not leaving her in with them as they’re too boisterous for her. She’s in a brooder box next to their brooder and will get short bursts with them every day until they go outside, by which time I have a dozen polish eggs that will have hatched and she can be the head of that gang.
She’s a little fighter and will peck at the other chicks I have, a mix of big chicken chicks who are all about 6 times her size, we’re not leaving her in with them as they’re too boisterous for her. She’s in a brooder box next to their brooder and will get short bursts with them every day until they go outside, by which time I have a dozen polish eggs that will have hatched and she can be the head of that gang.
Hello how is the chick doing now? I have a chick with the same exact issue right now and she has curled toes that I corrected with a bandaid I fixed her splayed leg but the hip is higher and protruding

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