Pole Shed to House Cages for Bachelors, Breeding, Brooding, Isolation/Observation

Ted Brown

Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Dec 12, 2018
near Shawville Quebec Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Some months ago I was given 3 large trusses - each 14' wide and 9' high.


Given experiences with excess roosters causing havoc, multiple breeds and no way to separate for controlled breeding I have wanted a 2nd pole shed to house cages to accommodate these and other uses. It has taken too long but finally underway.

The roof will be metal on top of 1" x 4" stringers 16" OC on top of 1" x 6" hemlock rafters; the walls will be 8' x 10' tarps over stringers 16" OC, probably rolled up during the milder months.

Needs to be finished before the snow files (November 15th?) as I have 3 breeding roosters and 8 four month old cockerels that I will process at six months to be housed in cages under the pole shed.



Current run & coop.


The trusses rise 9' over a 7' distance so even steeper than 1:1. I doubt much snow will cling.

I have 24' vertical of aluminum scaffolding, should suffice but a friend has a boom hoist if needed. I will start installing rafters today with the scaffolding; will inform how I proceed.

I have had many thoughts about installing the metal sheets, will do each section top to bottom rather than the more conventional row upon row. Still thinking about the peak closure pieces, current thought is to install sheets on one side then install the peak before I do the 2nd side.
I have a two storey cageplex that can be configured as 2, 3 or 4 cages; will move into the pole shed.



I will build an 8' x 8' x 6'(H) cage with a removable centre wall; will allow two cages for bachelor pad & breeding pen. I will keep roosters selected for breeding & grow out in the bachelor pad; expect breeding use to be once or twice per year.

I will also move my feed box & bins plus maintenance items.
The six posts braced together allow cross diagonal verification measurements at the top of the wall posts (Front Left to Back Right & Front Right to Back Left).

Measurement 1

FL to BR = 20' 9"
FR to BL = 20' 6.5"

I will move the right wall forward 2.5" (wish me luck).

Correction: right wall must move forward half of 2.5" (as one cross distance shrinks the other increases).
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I managed to move the right side wall an inch+ towards the front, diagonal measurements now less than an inch difference at the top of wall; will next measure diagonals at ground level and adjust as necessary.

Given I an using rectangular metal sheets for the roof surface the frame needs to be "square" and level so that sheet edges meet over a rafter.

Also prepped 1 of 2 horizontal peak beams. I am using 12" manufactured I-Beams in-filled with 1"x 9.25" rough cut pine boards on both sides. Each 2" x 6" rafter will be attached with 10" hangers top and bottom. The hangers need a flat mounting surface and I wanted to beef up the I-Beams as they sat exposed to the weather. I glued and screwed the boards to ensure a good bond.

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