Pole Shed to House Cages for Bachelors, Breeding, Brooding, Isolation/Observation


Average winter temp is -15C/5F, sometimes lower than -30C/-22C.

Happily, I ran electricity to the coop when I originally built so water during the winter is much easier. However, I know the pain of electrical failures and replacing $80 heated waterers.

I am in Canada, our Thanksgiving is earlier, beginning of October.

I am a bit of an introvert so live happily on my own. But, I keep chickens because I need something to be responsible for.

I have not yet used lights, working to install timer&plugs to start but tripping over electrical box&conduit availability delays. Feeding 25 hens with no production motivates one.

I have not ventured into preserving eggs or anything other than myself. I like good food and prepare 3 meals a day, the fresher the better.

THANKS, enjoy your holiday!
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