Polish bantams


Jun 20, 2016
Hello everyone picked up 5 sweet polish bantams. But I'm starting to see waddled. Any help with sex is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. I'd suggest posting on the What Breed or Gender is This? forum or maybe search for a Polish bantam thread. Close up photos (side on) of the head will help the gender gurus.

All the best
I don't know much about polish but I've heard the nice even bouffant crests generally indicate females. The males tend to have spikey rock star crests. If that is true the one on the left is a pullet and on the right is a cockerel - so that would be a breeding pair.

Yorkshire Coop is a polish breeder and I'm sure she will be around to answer your post as well. Welcome to BYC.

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