Polish/Silkie cross - ANYBODY??


11 Years
Aug 12, 2008
Temperance, MI
is just over 6 weeks old and was fully feathered at 3 weeks, and her tail was pretty long early on. I have no idea what to look for in determining gender in Polish. Any Polish experts out there that can tell me if this is a pullet? It's going to be fun to see what type of crest she ends up with, and I love her feathered feet.


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Don't bump yourself, people get grouchy about that.

I think your bird is a PULLET!
The reason is that her poof is wonderfully bouffant-ish and well rounded. The roos I have seen have a spikey mohawk thing going on at this age. However, time will tell if I am correct...
Well, I'm no expert... but I have 3 polish, and our roo developed his waddles early. That was how I was able to tell who was what. So, going by that... I'd say that's a pullet.
Could you possibly update us on your Polish/ Silkie? I have a buff laced polish roo, and a buff silkie together, and am quite curious to see how yours turned out.

Also, is this your own cross? If so, what color combinations did you use?

Thanks! Your little one was gorgeous at 6 weeks!
HE turned out to be absolutely stunning, and this picture doesn't even come close to showing what he looked like. He even started developing some purple feathers - he was absolutely a rainbow. Honestly, when a visitor would see him they would be in awe of his beauty. Unfortunately, he ended up being one of the nastiest cockerels (or roosters) I've ever come across - so he is past tense

Yes, he was my own cross between a gold laced Polish hen and a white silkie roo. I'm afraid to try it again because his personality was so awful. It was a huge disappointment because he was one of the sweetest young chicks I've ever had, but started getting very agressive at about 10 weeks old.

Thank you for the update. Too bad he turned nasty, he was a good looking roo. None of my pullets are laying yet, but Lil Roo sure tries to do "his" job. So I was curious as to what any possible chicks might look like between the Silky hen, and the Polish Roo.

Thanks again!

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