Poopy butt

I had a hen like this. She recently died of old age I guess as nothing was wrong with her. She just got slower and slower about getting around.

She had poopy butt her entire life of 8 years. I tried probiotics and even started fermenting grain to give them all probiotics on a more regular basis. Nothing helped her and no other chickens ever have gotten that. Beats me why she got that nasty back end.

We just used to get a kitchen tub of soapy water and soak her butt for a few minutes, then with rubber gloves on, pulled what we could, then with a kitchen scissors, cut all around her anus and below it. Then rinsed. That would last several months.

You could try probiotics and see if that helps. It should have I thought, but didn't with ours.
I had a hen like this. She recently died of old age I guess as nothing was wrong with her. She just got slower and slower about getting around.

She had poopy butt her entire life of 8 years. I tried probiotics and even started fermenting grain to give them all probiotics on a more regular basis. Nothing helped her and no other chickens ever have gotten that. Beats me why she got that nasty back end.

We just used to get a kitchen tub of soapy water and soak her butt for a few minutes, then with rubber gloves on, pulled what we could, then with a kitchen scissors, cut all around her anus and below it. Then rinsed. That would last several months.

You could try probiotics and see if that helps. It should have I thought, but didn't with ours.
Sounds the same. She’s the only one with it.

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