Poorly Chicky!


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015
Bedford UK
This is my girl lizzie,

with her pale comb. (Excuse the egg on her face)
She has poo like this

She cant really stand and uses her wings for balance, and her tail feathers go right down to keep her up.
she is falling asleep in her food.
she is 3 years old. Is she on her way to chicky heaven?
Have you wormed her lately? Flubenvet is very good in the UK. I would also check her for mites since they can cause anemia. She may be laying internally or have egg yolk peritonitis which could be making it painful to walk and causing her loose droppings. Has she lost weight in her breast area? Is she still laying eggs? I would worm her and give her some poultry vitamins and minerals daily. Antibiotics are sometimes used to help extend the life in peritonitis. Here is a good link about egg peritonitis: http://www.chickenvet.co.uk/health-and-common-diseases/egg-laying-issues/index.aspx
She is wormed regularly, she stopped laying about 6 months ago, she is otherwise very alert but not standing. She can as i left her in the coop this morning with fresh water and food and when i came back she was outside. Again, sitting. Her comb feels really warm? She is eating and drinking.
Does her lower belly feel large and spongy, or full with fluid? If she does have a reproductive problem such as egg yolk peritonitis, a vet may be necessary to give her some antibiotics.
I'm having a similar issue with my poor 4 month old Silky hen. A month ago I noticed her limping from one leg, and a few days later I noticed she was sort of crawling around, not using her legs, but walking on her knees. Both feet were curled together, so I figured it could be a vitamin deficiency. I started giving her several doses of B2/B12 (Riboflavin) drops per day, in which I noticed the toes uncurl and she started using her legs a bit better again, however with not a lot of balance...

Since its been a few weeks without much improvement, I also started her on a chicken mix of vitamins and electrolytes, and continued her on the B drops, but still no improvement. This week I've had to give her two baths since she's been covered in her own poop :( I've been keeping her separated from the others for the most part, but when she goes to free range, she crawls into the bushes to stay by herself. Sometimes the rooster tries to jump on her head!

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to fix her? I don't think it's mereks, since the other chicks aren't sick and she doesn't have any other symptoms. Eating, drinking, and pooping very normal. Help me help her!
Well iwas given her some more wormer, been plying her with mite powder abd the coop, and helping her eat and drink. Moving her in and out of the coop. And now, shes still a bit wobbly and pale but is walking around and even puts herself to bed!

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